Please read this agreement carefully. In order to proceed, you must agree with and understand the following policy:
PEO does not monitor individual licensure assistance program relationships.
Participation in the licensure assistance program does not guarantee licensure with PEO. Participants must still meet all the requirements for licensure as outlined in PEO’s guidelines.
The purpose of the PEO licensure assistance program is to guide interns as they progress towards licensing. It is not intended to help interns find a job or a professional engineer referee. Please do not put these expectations on your guide.
The PEO licensure assistance program is not a forum for guides or interns to sell services or products. Such activities are a conflict of interest.
Acknowledgment and Release
I acknowledge that PEO’s role is simply to facilitate the forming of licensure assistance program relationships and I release PEO from any liability that might be claimed from the use of the licensure assistance materials or from the licensure assistance program relationship.