Roydon Fraser, PhD, P.Eng., FEC
Past President
Roydon Fraser received a bachelor’s degree in engineering physics at Queen’s University and his master’s degree and doctorate in mechanical and aerospace engineering from Princeton University. He is a professor in the mechanical and mechatronics engineering department at the University of Waterloo. He joined PEO in 1991, serving on the executive of the Grand River Chapter (formerly the Kitchener-Waterloo and Guelph-Cambridge chapters) starting in 1993 and chairing the chapter in 1996. From 1998 to 2019, Fraser served nine times (18 years) as an elected PEO councillor and served on many PEO committees, including the Academic Review Committee from 1998 to 2022.
Fraser supervises the University of Waterloo Alternative Fuels Team (UWAFT), which competes internationally in the Advanced Vehicle Technology Competitions (AVTC). From 2022 to 2026 UWAFT will be competing in the next AVTC series, the EcoCAR EV Challenge to design, build and test the next generation of electrified connected automated (e.g., autonomous) vehicles. As UWAFT team advisor, his team has many technical awards and received the EcoCAR Women in STEM Award for four consecutive years (2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022). Fraser received the 2014 US National Science Foundation Outstanding Long Term Faculty Advisor Award. His research interests include vehicle powertrain design, vehicle emissions health impacts; compressed air energy storage; deep geothermal energy; thermoacoustics; oilsands tailings pond elimination; and remote sensing indicators of urban, crop and ecosystem health and development. He is a member of the Society of Automotive Engineers and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and is a lifetime member of the Sandford Fleming Foundation. [email protected]