Guy Boone, P.Eng.
Vice President (elected)
Guy Boone was first elected in February 2016 as PEO Eastern Region councillor serving two terms (2016 to 2020), after serving as the PEO Ottawa Chapter (oPEO) 2015 chair. Boone joined the oPEO executive in 2008, after serving as PEO Algonquin Chapter vice chair. Boone is pleased to be recently elected as elected vice president for the PEO 2024–2025 Council.
As a safety engineer for certification of products, machines and systems, Boone has had firsthand experience protecting the public and influencing safety designs and practices on a daily basis. Boone is an electrical engineering graduate from Memorial University of Newfoundland. He is currently employed as a practising electrical engineer with lifecycle facilities management responsibilities for the Canada/US North Warning System (NWS) in Canada’s Artic, from Alaska to Greenland exclusively, including Canada’s east coast and Labrador, NL. He has worked with Alcatel, Nortel/BNR and Nemko Canada as a product safety engineer and as a system safety engineer with Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. and Alcatel Transportation. In October 2022, Boone ran unsuccessfully in the Ottawa City Council election as Ward 24 Barrhaven East councillor candidate.
Boone is a strong, active advocate for the engineering profession, serving on OSPE’s Chapter Liaison Committee and working within both oPEO and OSPE to initiate and develop a number of unique programs to support the engineering profession in the Greater Ottawa region. These included joint social and technical seminars, engineering employment events (OSPE E3), joint GLP/PAN meetings with MPPs and the 2015 launch of oPEO/OSPE Engineering Innovation Ecosystem program. Boone is a tireless advocate for services that engineers need and supports co-operation among PEO, OSPE, Engineers without Borders (EWB), learned engineering societies (IEEE, IET, CIMarE/SNAME, INCOSE, cISSS and SRE Ottawa) and the faculties of engineering at University of Ottawa and Carleton University. [email protected]