Richard Walter Braddock, P.Eng.
A principled and tireless volunteer, Richard Walter Braddock has made substantial contributions to PEO and to the profession over many years.
A member of the Willowdale-Thornhill Chapter, he served on its Executive from 1968/69 to 1972/73 as Secretary, Vice Chair, Chair and Past Chair. His return to chapter involvement in 1995 led to a second tenure as Vice Chair one year later.
Upon the creation of the constituent societies of the Engineering Institute of Canada, he was a member of the executive committee for the Ontario Region of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, subsequently serving on the Board of Directors, initially representing Ontario and later as Membership Chairman.
In 1997, he joined PEO Council as a Regional Councillor and went on to serve as appointed Vice President, President-elect, President (2002-2003) and Past President.
As President, he provided strong leadership during a time of transition that saw PEO focus on its regulatory role following the formation of the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers, which he supported as a member of the Joint Advocacy Implementation Committee.
Braddock’s committee work has included involvement on key task forces and committees, including terms as Chair of the Advisory Committee on Committees (now Advisory Committee on Volunteers), Executive Committee, Nominating Committee, Regional Nominating Committee and Regional Councillors Committee.
Today, Engineer Braddock continues to serve his profession as one of PEO’s three directors on the board of the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers (CCPE), where he has been an active contributor to Board meetings and to a number of CCPE committees.
For his valuable and continuous service to PEO and to engineers across Canada, Richard W. Braddock is invested as a Companion of the Professional Engineers Ontario Order of Honour.