Nanda Layos Lwin, P.Eng., FEC
Through his dedicated contributions as a volunteer and leader, Nanda Lwin demonstrates his intense passion for the engineering profession and community.
Beginning his volunteer service for the Willowdale/Thornhill Chapter in 2005, Lwin has served as chapter chair, inaugural Government Liaison Program chair and as chapter representative to the 30 by 30 East Central region committee.
During his four years as chapter chair, Lwin increased member involvement with 10 seminars and workshops each year, extended the location of events to include Thornhill and introduced two new volunteer awards. He improved chapter licensing ceremonies, oversaw the chapter’s 50th anniversary ceremony and led the transition to online meetings at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Lwin also made significant improvements in how the chapter engages with the public, launching a social media presence for the chapter, revamping its website and editing the chapter newsletter to improve the public perception of the profession.
He has organized meet-and-greet events between MPP candidates from all parties and engineers during provincial elections, hosted MPPs and the Premier of Ontario at chapter events and delivered PEO’s message regarding Bill 15 in 2012 with three sitting MPPs (Bill 15, Ontario Society of Professional Engineers Act, 2012).
Committed to advancing gender equity, he helped organize the East Central Region 30 by 30 conference in 2020, the employer engagement conference in 2021 and began discussions on founding an equity, diversity and inclusion committee with his chapter.
In 2021, he raised more than $30,000 towards the newly established Nanda Lwin Civil Engineering Technology Award at Seneca College to aid students with financial need.
Lwin is a professor of civil engineering technology at Seneca, the author of several books, and a journalist whose articles have appeared in canoe.ca, the Hamilton Spectator, and The Globe and Mail.