Lawrence Pond, P.Eng., FEC
For more than 20 years, Lawrence Pond has represented the profession in northern Ontario through his regulatory and outreach activities.
Larry began his volunteer service on the executive of the Lakehead Chapter in 1988 and for the next six years held numerous executive positions, including treasurer, vice chair and chair. During this time, he could always be counted on to volunteer and lead activities to promote the engineering profession, including organizing Thunder Bay’s annual engineering and technology conference in 1988, and participating in many licence certificate presentation ceremonies.
He also advised aspiring engineers on the merits and process of becoming a professional engineer while a volunteer judge at the local science fair and through his participation in iron ring ceremonies.
Larry’s unwavering commitment to self-regulation of his profession is demonstrated by his nearly 20 years of continuous service on PEO’s Consulting Engineer Designation Committee (CEDC). The CEDC reviews applications for designation or redesignation as a consulting engineer, provides peer review of the candidates’ qualifications against the regulations, and makes recommendations to council on whether to grant the designation.
The committee also reviews requests for permission to use the phrase “Consulting Engineers” in a company‘s corporate name, making recommendations to council as to the appropriateness of the usage. A consulting engineer himself, Larry chaired the CEDC for nine years and led committee efforts to increase the public’s trust in the designation and improve the members’ understanding of it. He also chaired for several years the CEDC’s northern subcommittee.