Gordon Ip, P.Eng., FEC
For more than two decades, Gordon Ip has excelled in an array of volunteer activities within the greater engineering community.
Since his induction as a Member of the Order of Honour in 2011, Gordon has doubled down on his volunteer efforts. In 2012, Gordon co-created and organized the chapter’s first Engineering Project of the Year award to celebrate excellence in engineering projects in the York Region business community. In 2016, as chapter chair, Gordon created a Business Liaison Committee to continue to foster the engineering business relationships first established by the award. His proudest moment for the chapter was when the 2017 winner of the Chapter’s Engineering Project of year was submitted and subsequently won the 2018 OPEA Award for Engineering Project. In 2016, he leveraged the newly formed committee and helped organize the chapter’s Engineering Technology Symposium on Industry 4.0, increasing attendance to over 300 delegates from a broad range of sectors and organizations.
To address voter apathy in PEO Council elections, in 2017, 2018 and 2019, Gordon organized an all-East Central Region All-Candidates meeting to engage members in association governance and improve voter turnout.
At the provincial level, Gordon has volunteered for six terms in the past few years on organizing the Chapter Leaders Conferences. He also serves on several PEO committees. Leveraging his experience in the computer, software and communications infrastructure engineering, he has provided guidance to the Experience Requirements Committee to interview engineering candidates in these disciplines. Gordon joined the Enforcement Committee in 2018 to help with enforcement activities, with a special interest in these emerging disciplines.
Gordon continues to bring his business acumen and passion for engineering to increase the visibility of engineers in the East Central Region.