George Juraj Biljan, P.Eng., M.Eng.
For well over a decade, George Biljan has promoted the engineering profession through committed involvement with PEO’s London Chapter Engineer Biljan began his volunteer service with the chapter in 1988 as Treasurer. Since then, he has been a dedicated member of the Chapter Executive, and served as Vice Chair and Chair for two terms.
A life-long learner and believer in continuous education, he has developed and run many instructive programs for London Chapter engineers. These include very popular Finite Element Analysis, Winning at New Products, Funding Innovation with SR & ED and IRAP Programs, Intellectual Property, and Project Management courses. With a keen interest in promoting and maintaining a high profile for the chapter in the community,
Engineer Biljan has created opportunities for engineers and the public to broaden their knowledge of local industry and the profession’s role in it through organized open houses and plant tours. Sites visited have included Trojan Technologies, Diamond Aircraft, Meridian Technologies, University of Western Ontario and the National Research Council of Canada.
George’s efforts to enhance recognition of the part played by professional engineers in the social and economic life of the London area demonstrate both his commitment to the profession and to volunteering on its behalf. For this commitment, PEO is pleased to invest George Biljan as a Member of the Professional Engineers Ontario Order of Honour.