Anthony (Tony) Bonney, FIET, P.Eng.
For 20 years, Tony Bonney has diligently worked to serve the best interests of both the regulatory and advocacy engineering bodies in Ontario.
Tony’s participation on the Brampton Chapter Executive began in 1986. He has organized at least one event each year for Brampton Chapter members, including licence certificate presentations, plant tours, and the Chapter’s annual “Walk in the Woods” family outing. He has also convened symposia, colloquia and town hall meetings to promote discussion on critical issues facing the profession.
Working at a larger scale, as a Board member of the Canadian Society of Professional Engineers (CSPE) — the original national advocacy and member-interest engineers’ society — Tony brought his CSPE experience to PEO’s Advocacy Task Group and Joint Advocacy Implementation Committee, which laid the groundwork for creation of the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers, a milestone event for the profession in this province. As President of the reconstituted CSPE since 2000, Tony has implemented its transition into a federal umbrella organization of provincial engineering advocacy bodies. He also oversees the CSPE Trust, which annually awards engineering student scholarships.
Since 2002, Tony has been an active member of PEO’s Advisory Committee on Volunteers.
For his unfailing dedication to the profession, PEO is proud to invest Tony Bonney, FIET, P.Eng., as a Member in the Professional Engineers Ontario Order of Honour.