Captain Corneliu E. E. Chisu, CD, M.Eng., PMSC, C.E.T., P.Eng.
Since being presented his licence certificate at a Scarborough Chapter ceremony 17 years ago, Corneliu Chisu has been instrumental in raising the profile of the chapter as well as the profession in his community.
A Scarborough Executive Member since 1989, including terms as Chair in 1998-1999 and 2003-2004, Engineer Chisu helped revitalize the chapter at a time of inactivity.
He initiated and led chapter participation in many education outreach activities, including local science and career fairs, the Engineers-in-Residence program, Mathletics competitions and Engineering Week celebrations. He has also promoted the value of the profession and the requirements for licensure through presentations to high school and university students. The Scarborough Chapter is now one of the most visible and active in the PEO chapter system.
As an applications process administrator on PEO staff from 2000 to 2001, he made valuable contributions to the work of the Evolution of Engineering Admissions Task Group, and helped implement recommendations of the Admissions, Complaints, Discipline and Enforcement Task Force. In 2005, he was a member of PEO’s Government Affairs Committee.
For his strong commitment to making a difference in his profession, PEO is proud to recognize Corneliu Chisu by investing him as a Member of the Professional Engineers Ontario Order of Honour.